Educational Outreach
Interested in Aeromodelling STE(A)M Education:
K - Collegiate?
AMA and STE(A)M Partner Aeromodelling Programming has your answers!
See "OUTREACH" , "OUTREACH TOOLKITS" and our AMA District Outreach Team for more information on how the
can help you get connected to STE(A)M education through aeromodelling.
Thank You.
Educational/ Instructional VIDEOS
"FPG-9"- Foam Plate Glider, 9 Inch build and fly video. Easy, inexpensive, educational glider w/ elevons and rudder to teach aircraft CG and control. Use with "Total Control"video. | AMA Quick Start Projects VIDEO PLAYLIST Click "YouTube" on Video to view playlist or "hamburger"/arrow icon on thumbnail | AMA Aerolabs "Total Control"- Great Ice Breaker- Wright Brothers, FPG9, Space Shuttle | AMA "Discover Flight"- Short Inspirational Intro video. Using this video and "Total Control" plus the FPG9 project makes a great class or group presentation! |
Additional Educational RESOURCES
AMA Quick Projects Preschool and up! |